Polly Onepiece checkered | reversible
The Polly Onepiece was designed in collaboration with lovely Nanda Schwarz.
"Polly is named after one of my favorite songs. I used to not like my name (now I like it a lot), but at that time I always wanted to be called Polly, like the song by Nirvana. Later, I registered myself on Facebook as Polly. So basically it's my first pseudonym.
Polly Onepiece finished at the very last minute, which totally reflects my personality. Our first sample unfortunately did not work out, so we had to improvise. Polly's highlight for me is definitely the back. With its adjustable straps, it fits wonderfully into our collection, as all items can be adjusted to your personal preference. Oh and almost forgot, Polly is of course also reversible. The reverse side is a gorgeous deep green."