Some of our items are available for preorder. This means that this item is not available for immediate shipment – the collection or the item will be manufactured according to the preorder amounts and our estimated future orders. If your item is in preorder, you’ll see a preorder banner on the product page and once you click on your size on the product page, you’ll get a notification. The timeline for preorders varies between 4-6 weeks, and our estimate will be showing on the product page as well.
By placing your order during our prerder phase you have enough time to plan your purchases and make sure to get ahold of the pieces you are interested in at a lower price. This way you also won’t have to worry about your style and size running out once the collection physically arrives.
Simultaneously, we as a brand can learn more about which items the customers have the most interest in. The preorders will give us an indication which pieces our customers are most interested in and thus improve our production. We are hoping this new concept will benefit both sides and overall ensure a more conscious approach within the fashion industry.
All our collections are launched in two phases: first, the items will be available on preorder with a 15% discount while stock is being manufactured. After stock arrives and all preorders have been shipped out, standard in-stock orders become available.
Preorders: FAQ
What do preorders mean?
If the item you’re looking at is on preorder, it means that it is not in stock nor available for immediate shipment. Preorders generally mean that customers are able to order a certain product before it’s being manufactured, or while it’s being manufactured.
Preorders can ensure a more conscious production process in the fashion world: when brands know the rough amounts of how many items they will sell, they can avoid both overproducing and underproducing and can meet the demand better.
When will my order arrive?
Preorder items generally take 4-6 weeks to arrive and to be ready to shipped out. The estimated schedule is visible on each preorder item’s product page. If these schedules change due to reasons outside our control, we will of course update the estimates and get in contact with all customers that are waiting for their orders.
Can I cancel my preorder? How?
Yes, you can always cancel your preorder if your situation changes or if you feel like the wait has been too long. You can do so by emailing us your order number and stating you’d want to cancel. No reason needed, and it’s completely ok if you need to cancel! We will refund your entire order amount including the shipping cost.
If the order has already been sent and you need to return the item(s), you can do so within 14 days from receiving the items. Our standard return policies apply on all preorder items as well.
Can I return preorder items? When?
Absolutely! Our standard return policies apply on all preorder items as well. This means that you can shop with a peace of mind, and if for any reason you want to return the item, you can do so within 14 days from receiving the order. So the wait time for preorder items does not affect the return policy at all, it’s always 14 days from when the order arrives.
Can I order preorder and in-stock items together?
A rule of thumb is that your order will be sent out once your last preorder item arrives at our warehouse. If you want to order both preorder and in-stock items, we recommend placing two orders to get your in-stock items immediately. If you’re not in a rush and want to save on the shipping cost, you can add the in-stock items in the same cart with your preorder items and we’ll ship them out together once all the items have arrived.